April 19, 2023

Chasing the Chaos - Gen Z vs Society

Chasing the Chaos - Gen Z vs Society
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Live After Lunch

In this CTC Episode, nX-step has some bold opinions! The CTC team goes for controversial takes (again) when discussing Chris Tyson's drama, surrounding his ongoing transition. When someone is granted with top secret clearance, you'd think that the first thought would hopefully be to NOT leak the information. For now-former Air National Guard Member Jack Texiera, and how he breached the Pentagon's data integrity...just to prove a point. Speaking of breaches, the CTC learns the meaning behind "Big Brother's Always Watching" as Google releases information on a "Zero-Day Vulnerability" on their widely-used Google Chrome. For the Chaotic Crime, we look to marine life, and its unfortunate run-in with human interference. To wrap things up, we end on the topic of...a cure for cancer from space?!