June 3, 2022

Episode 15 Donuts, Dates, and DTF

Episode 15 Donuts, Dates, and DTF

It's National Donut day (we are exercising our right to be dunkin' girls and spell it that way)

Because of Stephanie's admission, Tori tries to end the podcast before they even start.

Tori dishes on her latest date and has a funny, awkward situation that turned laughable and the fashion at a baseball game.

"What's Roasting"

-Amber Heard on a spit

-Elon Musk is making you work

-Kim heard about BDE and was DTF- The Kardashians wrap

-Loveable Prince Louie and Kate Middleton's mom face

-Vegas is taking away Elvis

"What's Brewing"

-Melody Tent is opening; Concerts Billy Currington and the ladies talk Lake Street Dive

"Content Recommendations"

Sex Life